SB 6221

              As Reported By Senate Committee On:

           Health & Long‑Term Care, February 3, 2000


Title:  An act relating to making technical changes, wording updates, and other corrections to department of health statutes covering health professions and facilities.


Brief Description:  Making technical changes and corrections to department of health statutes.


Sponsors:  Senators Thibaudeau and Deccio; by request of Department of Health.


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  Health & Long‑Term Care:  1/17/2000, 2/3/2000 [DPS].




Majority Report:  That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6221 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.

  Signed by Senators Thibaudeau, Chair; Wojahn, Vice Chair; Costa, Deccio, Franklin, Johnson and Winsley.


Staff:  Joan K. Mell (786-7447)


Background:  The Department of Health has requested substantive and technical changes to its health care licensing statutes.


Summary of Substitute Bill:  The exact same amendments are made to the hearing instrument fitter/dispenser=s practice provisions. The provisions are duplicated to address different effective dates.  The procedures concerning surety bonds and securities are changed and terminology amended to identify individual license holders, rather than Aestablishments.@


The exact same amendments are made to the hearing instrument fitter/dispenser=s practice provisions.  The provisions are duplicated to address different effective dates.  The notice requirements, other procedural requirements, and payment provisions relative to surety bonds in the hearing instrument fitter/dispenser=s practice provisions are stricken.


The sale or transfer of ownership in registered adult family homes may not void the registra­tion automatically.


The department=s duty to provide for the administrative requirements for nursing homes that are temporarily without administrators is eliminated.


The licensing statute for psychologists is amended changing a reference to the Acommittee@ to the Aboard.@


Animal technician=s name is changed to veterinary technician.


Ambulance operator and director and aid vehicle operator and director are deleted from the definitions.  Ambulance service and aid service are added to the definitions.


The department expands its authority to grant a variance from the definition of physician=s trained emergency medical service intermediate life support technician and paramedic and the civil liability provisions relative to informed consent.


Ambulance operator and director and aid vehicle operator and director are deleted from the definitions.  Ambulance service and aid service are added to the definitions.  The department may revoke the service if it violates department rules.


The ambulance or aid vehicle license language is clarified consistent with the definition changes.


The term Aalcoholic@ is replaced with the term Achemically dependent person.@


The department adds language identifying it as the department licensing private institutions caring for mentally ill or chemically dependent people.  A provision is added authorizing the Department of Health to establish rules for the licensing, operation, and inspections of these facilities.


The name of maternity homes is changed to birthing or childbirth centers, and the scope of the definition is expanded.  The term Alow-risk@ is added to the definition and defined to limit birthing centers to caring for essentially uncomplicated births.


This is a repealer for statutory provisions affecting multiple facility operators registration under adult family homes; acupuncture by osteopathic physicians= assistants; and the psychologist=s examining board.


Clarifying language was added for physician assistants and radiology techs.  The Midwives Association was added to statutory provisions.


Substitute Bill Compared to Original Bill:  Clarifying language changes were made.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Testimony For:  The department has performed a review of its rules and identified various statutory language that requires clarification.


Testimony Against:  Concerns about some provisions, but would offer technical clarifying amendments.


Testified:  Ron Weaver, Dept. of Health (pro); Paul Johnson; Jeff Larsen, WA Osteopathic Medical Association, WSRCC, WAPA (pro amendment).