ESCR 8408

               As Passed Senate, April 12, 1999


Brief Description:  Creating a commission to address the renovation of the Washington State Legislative Building.


Sponsors:  Senator Bauer.


Brief History:

Passed Senate, 4/12/99, 44-0.



Staff:  Diane Smith (786-7410)


Background:  The Washington State Legislative Building was built 72 years ago.  It is an outstanding example of the imperial classic tradition in architectural history.  It is one of the largest and among the last of these traditional monumental structures to be built in the world.


The Legislative Building is in daily use both by visitors from all over the world and by the public servants in the state=s legislative and executive branches of government.


While it stands as a working symbol of the aspirations and strength of the Washingtonians who built it, the building nevertheless experiences pervasive and persistent systems failures and exterior deterioration.


Summary of Bill:  A Commission on Legislative Building Preservation and Renovation is established to identify a plan and resources for the renovation and preservation of the State Legislative Building.  The commission has 14 members who are statewide elected officials and five ex officio citizens representing the entire state.


The commission must report to the Legislature in the 2000 legislative session.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.