H-3567.1  _______________________________________________


                     HOUSE JOINT MEMORIAL 4018



State of Washington      56th Legislature     2000 Regular Session


By Representatives Mulliken, Doumit, Mielke, Scott, Ericksen, Fortunato, Hatfield, Schindler, Dunn, Thomas, D. Sommers and Esser


Read first time 01/12/2000.  Referred to Committee on Local Government.

Petitioning the Governor to impose a moratorium on state agencies adopting rules that would create new costs for local governments.


    We, your Memorialists, the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington, in legislative session assembled, respectfully represent and petition as follows:

    WHEREAS, Local governments have experienced and may continue to experience significant budget impacts from the passage of Chapter 1, Laws of 2000 (Initiative Measure No. 695); and

    WHEREAS, As a result of Chapter 1, Laws of 2000 (Initiative Measure No. 695), local governments are reviewing their budgets, establishing priorities, and identifying costs of local government services and programs; and

    WHEREAS, Chapter 2, Laws of 1994 (Initiative Measure No. 601) required the state to consider the costs imposed on local governments by laws requiring new programs and increased levels of service; and

    WHEREAS, Rules adopted by state agencies may create substantial costs for local governments; and

    WHEREAS, It is in the best interests of local governments and the state to mitigate the financial impacts of rules adopted by state agencies for a sufficient period to allow local governments to develop strategies to comply with the requirements of Chapter 1, Laws of 2000 (Initiative Measure No. 695).

    NOW, THEREFORE, Your Memorialists respectfully pray that the Governor immediately issue an Executive Order:  (1) Prohibiting state agencies, until March 30, 2002, from proposing or adopting any rule or engaging in any programmatic activity, other than normal contract negotiations, that will create new costs for local governments; and (2) requiring all state agencies, until March 30, 2002, to assess whether a rule or activity would create any new costs for local governments and to issue findings that a rule or activity does not create any new costs for local governments before proceeding with the rule or activity.

    BE IT RESOLVED, That copies of this Memorial be immediately transmitted to the Honorable Gary Locke, Governor of the State of Washington.


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