56th Legislature

                      1999 Regular Session


Passed by the House April 23, 1999





Speaker of the House of Representatives




Speaker of the House of Representatives





Passed by the Senate April 25, 1999

  Yeas 49   Nays 0



We, Dean R. Foster and Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerks of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 4410  as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth.




                          Chief Clerk




                          Chief Clerk

President of the Senate




Approved Place Style On Codes above, and Style Off Codes below.         




Governor of the State of Washington

                   Secretary of State

                  State of Washington

H-2462.2  _______________________________________________





             Passed Legislature - 1999 Regular Session


State of Washington      56th Legislature     1999 Regular Session


By Representatives Mitchell, Murray, Esser, Edmonds, Alexander, Lambert, Stensen and Bush


Read first time 04/01/1999.  Referred to Committee on Capital Budget.

Creating a commission on legislative building renovation.

    WHEREAS, The Washington State Legislative Building is a unique American contribution to architectural history and an outstanding example of the imperial classic tradition and the City Beautiful Movement in America; and

    WHEREAS, Its beautifully proportioned self-supporting masonry dome is one of the largest, and also among the last, of these traditional monumental structures to be built in the world; and

    WHEREAS, Our Legislative Building serves both as a working legislative and governmental center and as the symbol of Washington's free and representative government; and

    WHEREAS, This grand building, now in its 71st year since construction, receives more than a half million visitors each year and is experiencing frequent and persistent failures of its aging plumbing, heating, ventilation, and electrical systems, in addition to pervasive water leakage and deterioration of the stone exterior; and

    WHEREAS, The visiting public needs places to assemble, to learn about state government, to research and track legislative activity, and to meet with state officials; and

    WHEREAS, The Legislative Building is an impressive expression of the aspirations and strength of those Washingtonians who built it, and will continue to serve as the symbol of our state's history, culture, and collective social aspirations, and as such deserves our careful attention in order to preserve and protect the building for future generations; 

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the House of Representatives of the state of Washington, the Senate concurring, That a Commission on Legislative Building Preservation and Renovation be established, whose purpose is to identify a plan and resources for the renovation and preservation of the state legislative building; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the commission shall consist of fourteen members as follows:  Four Senators to be chosen by the President of the Senate, two of whom shall be members from each major caucus; four Representatives to be chosen by the Co-Speakers of the House of Representatives, two of whom shall be members of the Capital Budget Committee; the State Treasurer; the State Auditor; the Commissioner of Public Lands; the Governor or his designee; the Secretary of State; and the Lieutenant Governor, who shall serve as chair; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That five citizen members appointed by the Governor, three of whom shall reside west of the crest of the Cascade mountains and two of whom shall reside east of the crest of the Cascade mountains shall act as ex officio members of the commission to assist in planning and resource identification for the renovation and preservation of the legislative building; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the commission shall first look to traditionally dedicated and trust revenue resources as the state funding source for the implementation of the plan and that all avenues of citizen involvement shall be investigated to engage the public in contributing to the renovation and preservation of the state legislative building; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the commission shall report its progress and recommendations to the legislature in the 2000 legislative session.


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