HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 99-4637, by Representatives Hankins, Delvin, Dunn and Pflug


     WHEREAS, Intel Corporation has conducted a science talent search among high school seniors across the country, and this fifty-eight year old contest is often considered the Junior Nobel Prize of science competition for United States high school seniors; and

     WHEREAS, Students in this competition are judged for their research ability, scientific originality, and creative thinking, and all entries are reviewed and judged by top scientists from a variety of disciplines; and

     WHEREAS, The forty finalists were selected from a group of 1,470 applications submitted by 566 high schools from across the country; and

     WHEREAS, Constance JoAnne Wang, a senior at Hanford High School in Richland, Washington, has been named as a finalist in the Junior Nobel Prize competition for her research on behavioral changes in crayfish; and

     WHEREAS, Constance, who is the daughter of Oliver and Maron Wang, has also demonstrated her interest in the legislative process by serving as a Senate page during the 1997 legislative session; and

     WHEREAS, Constance will be attending the Science Talent Institute in Washington, D.C. in March 1999 as the only finalist representing Washington State;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representative honor Constance Wang for her hard work and impressive scientific achievement; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the co-Chief Clerks of the House of Representatives to Constance Wang.


I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

Resolution 4637 adopted by the House of Representatives

                   February 26, 1999.



____________________________  _________________________

Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk Dean R. Foster Co-Chief Clerk