HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 99-4639, by Representatives Regala, DeBolt, Conway, Kastama, Sullivan, McDonald, Bush, Alexander, Lantz, Talcott, Carlson, Campbell, Dunn, Skinner, Hankins and Thomas


      WHEREAS, March 2, 1999, marks the 100th anniversary of Mt. Rainier as a national park; and

      WHEREAS, Mt. Rainier, known as Tahoma by many Indian tribes, is symbolic of Washington state itself, and is a source of great pride to state residents; and

      WHEREAS, When the weather clears, and we tell each other that "the Mountain is out," everyone knows what is meant; and

      WHEREAS, More than two million people visit Mt. Rainier National Park each year; and

      WHEREAS, These visitors come not only from the Pacific Northwest, but from throughout the world to enjoy the scenery and wildlife; and

      WHEREAS, Mt. Rainier offers year-round outdoor experiences to people of all ages and abilities; and

      WHEREAS, At its summit of 14,410 feet above the sea, the approximately 10,000 people who try to reach it annually are presented with a breathtaking view of our state, and take back something that they will always remember; and

      WHEREAS, The Wonderland Trail is a 93-mile loop which circles the Mountain, and takes a person from valley forests to alpine meadows and barren areas of rock and snow; and

      WHEREAS, Trees nearly 1000 years old can be found in the Grove of the Patriarchs, including a Douglas fir 35 feet in circumference; and

      WHEREAS, The snout of the Carbon Glacier is easily visited as the lowest elevation glacier in the lower 48 states; and

      WHEREAS, Comet Falls provides 320 feet of thunder and mist, and is only 1 of 122 waterfalls contained within the park; and

      WHEREAS, The fields of lupine, asters, and Indian paintbrush provide a lush setting to sight bears, mountain goats, and other wildlife; and

      WHEREAS, These unspoiled views are the direct result of good stewardship and the countless hours provided by volunteers;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives join all state residents in offering congratulations to all those who work to keep Mt. Rainier National Park a national treasure, and in wishing Mt. Rainier National Park a happy 100th birthday; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Co-Chief Clerks of the House of Representatives to the Superintendent of Mt. Rainier National Park and to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior.


      I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

      Resolution 4639 adopted by the House of Representatives

                          March 4, 1999.

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Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk    Dean R. Foster Co-Chief Clerk