HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 99-4657, by Representatives Kenney, Stensen, Veloria, Hurst, Santos, Conway, Tokuda, Lovick, Van Luven, Romero, McDonald, D. Schmidt, Campbell, Ogden, Regala, Thomas, Barlean, Fortunato and Dunn


       WHEREAS, It is the policy of the Washington State legislature to recognize and honor the contributions of individuals who reflect the standards of excellence that advance the well-being and quality of lives of all citizens of the state of Washington; and

       WHEREAS, Ernest Ignacio Jose "Ernie" Aguilar, born on March 19, 1919, in Mexico City, has set the highest standards of public service through the unselfish and tireless dedication of his time, talent, resources, and skills during his entire lifetime towards the advancement of the Hispanic Community and all citizens of Washington State; and

       WHEREAS, Ernie Aguilar and his wife of thirty-five years, Tina, a School District Board Member for Sumner, Washington, are proud parents of six children, four grandchildren, and two great grandsons; and

       WHEREAS, Ernie and Tina Aguilar's son Michael was the first Mexican-American born in Washington State to graduate from West Point.  Michael unselfishly gave his life in the line of duty in a military training maneuver; and

       WHEREAS, Ernie and Tina's son Kenny has achieved international recognition as the Director of Personnel for NASA; and

       WHEREAS, Ernie Aguilar and his sons have continued a proud and patriotic family tradition of service to the United States first established by Ernie's father, who even though a Mexican citizen, courageously served and died from the effects of being gassed while fighting in a special battalion under the United States flag during the first World War; and

       WHEREAS, Ernie Aguilar proudly served our country and was a decorated veteran of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War; and

       WHEREAS, Ernie Aguilar, as a tireless public servant and true visionary of the community, was instrumental in the creation of the Washington State Commission on Hispanic Affairs and was a member of its first governing board; and

       WHEREAS, Ernie Aguilar was a founding member and is now Chairman Emeritus of the Washington State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce which promotes the self-determination and economic development of the State's Hispanic community; and

       WHEREAS, Ernie Aguilar was one of the original founders and the first Chair of the Board of the Farm Workers Health Clinic in Toppenish, Washington, which has improved access to medical care for all people in the community; and

       WHEREAS, Ernie Aguilar played a critical role in the creation of the Catholic Hispanic Ministry for the Archdiocese and served as a member of Washington State Catholic Charities; and

       WHEREAS, Ernie Aguilar was also instrumental in the establishment of Centro Mexicano in Washington state which fosters international trade, commerce, and cultural and educational exchange programs between Mexico and the United States; and

       WHEREAS, Ernie Aguilar's international leadership achievements and dedication to the advancement of the Mexican and the Mexican-American community were acknowledged by the President of Mexico, when he was awarded the Ohtli Medal, Mexico's highest civilian honor;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the State of Washington urge all citizens of the State of Washington to join us in congratulating and recognizing Ernie Aguilar for his unique and courageous vision, tireless public service, and legacy of accomplishments on behalf of Hispanics and all citizens of the State of Washington; and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Co-Chief Clerks of the House of Representatives to the family of Ernie Aguilar, the Consul General of Mexico, the Hispanic Affairs Commission, and the National Council de la Raza.



              I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

              Resolution 4657 adopted by the House of Representatives

                                  March 26, 1999.




________________________________                      _____________________________

Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk                     Dean R. Foster Co-Chief Clerk