HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 2000-4752, by Representatives Conway, Sullivan, Talcott, Carrell, Kastama, Lantz, Regala, Hatfield, Wensman, Carlson, Thomas and McDonald


       WHEREAS, The good character, academic excellence, superb performance on the field, and commitment to the maxim "The true measure of yourself is not in comparison to others, but in comparison to your own best self" have made the Pacific Lutheran University football team, the Lutes, true models of the student athlete; and

       WHEREAS, The Lutes are noted for their rejection of the win at all cost mentality, embracing the motto, "Our opponents come to beat us we come to be us"; and

       WHEREAS, The Lutes, who believe that "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care," donate over 2000 hours each year to the Tacoma Public Schools to provide role models, mentors, and values education at McIlvaigh Middle School and Lister Elementary; and

       WHEREAS, The entire Lute organization, motivated by their faith and the value they place on human dignity, made a perpetual commitment to John Nelson, making him an Honorary Coach and an integral member of the Lute family, and John has served to inspire the team by his constant example of courage; and

       WHEREAS, The team's unique approach to competition and caring are the products of Head Coach Frosty Westering's love of people, his belief in character, and his Christian faith; and

       WHEREAS, Coach Westering is one of the most accomplished coaches in the nation, being only the 12th football coach ever to win 250 games, leading the Lutes to a winning season every one of his 28 years at PLU,  and being selected the Division III coach of the year by the American Football Coaches Association; and

       WHEREAS, Coach Westering's unique style has benefited from the support of the entire Lute staff:  Scott Westering, Craig McCord, Steve Stoker, Rick Brown, Dave Templin, Brian Flattum, Jerry LeJeune, Michael Eklund-Grayum, and Chris Sorsoleil, each of them contributing to the "make the big time where you are" philosophy; and

       WHEREAS, The Lutes "Double Win" philosophy has made them a consistently strong team appearing in eight National Championship games since 1980, while securing four National Championship titles; and

       WHEREAS, The Pacific Lutheran University Lutes, after winning an unprecedented five playoff games on the road, won the 1999 NCAA Division III National Championship in Salem, Virginia, in a 42 to 13 victory over New Jersey's Rowan University;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives commend the PLU football team, Head Coach Frosty Westering, the PLU Athletic Department, and the entire PLU community and student body for their success and for their commitment to sportsmanship, principled competition, strong academics, and the active role of faith that made that success possible; and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Co-Chief Clerks of the House of Representatives to President Dr. Loren Anderson, Provost Dr. Paul Menzel, Athletic Director Dr. Paul Hoseth, Ted Johnstone, and Head Coach Frosty Westering.

           I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

          Resolution 4752 adopted by the House of Representatives

                               March 3, 2000.



________________________________               _____________________________

Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk            Cynthia Zehnder, Co-Chief Clerk