HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 2000-4795, by Representatives Van Luven, Kenney, Wensman, Thomas, Barlean, Esser, Dunn and Talcott


       WHEREAS, Various forms of Soccer have been around since Roman times, and the United States was the first British colony to start playing soccer-style games; and

       WHEREAS, Soccer is now the most popular sport in the world and has become a mainstream spectator sport for all Americans to enjoy, young and old, boys and girls; and

       WHEREAS, The Hispanic Soccer League of Washington was established in 1991 by Chon Garcia and other local Mexican restaurant owners to promote family fun and good sportsmanship as a way to keep Hispanic youth positively involved in community activities; and

       WHEREAS, The Hispanic Soccer League of Washington consists of 40 teams with more than 800 players; and

       WHEREAS, The Hispanic Soccer League of Washington is open to all persons as long as its players uphold the six pillars of character including trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, fairness, and good citizenship; and

       WHEREAS, President Esiquel Soltero, Vice President Victor Rangel, and Board Members Pepe Vega, Ted Rodriguez, Raul Perez Calleja, Chon Garcia, and Ernie Aguilar have provided the leadership, support, and guidance to make this important community activity successful; and

       WHEREAS, Victor Rangel, professional soccer star for eleven years, a member of the 1976 Olympic Team for Mexico, a 1978 World Cup Soccer standout, and true soccer hero, has come to the state of Washington to lend his valuable skills as a coach for youth soccer and to help promote the Hispanic Soccer League of Washington;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize and honor the Hispanic Soccer League of Washington, the players, coaches, families, and fans, Victor Rangel, and the entire board of directors for making the Hispanic Soccer League of Washington one of Washington's most successful family-oriented American sports leagues; and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Co-Chief Clerks of the House of Representatives immediately transmit copies of this resolution to the Board of Directors of the Hispanic Soccer League of Washington.



       I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

       Resolution 4795 adopted by the House of Representatives

                           March 9, 2000.



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Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk    Cynthia Zehnder, Co-Chief Clerk