S-1968.1  _______________________________________________


                    SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5430



State of Washington      56th Legislature     1999 Regular Session


By Senate Committee on Health & Long‑Term Care (originally sponsored by Senators Wojahn, Winsley, Jacobsen, Hale, Kohl‑Welles, Thibaudeau, Benton, Rasmussen, Long, Fraser, Prentice, Shin, Gardner, Heavey, McAuliffe, Patterson, Franklin, Costa, Eide, B. Sheldon and Spanel)


Read first time 03/03/1999.

Creating the women's health advisory committee.

    AN ACT Relating to the women's health advisory committee; adding new sections to chapter 43.70 RCW; and making appropriations.




    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.  Until recently, little attention has been given to the detection, treatment, and prevention of disease as specifically related to the unique needs and experiences of women.  The purpose of establishing the women's health advisory committee is to provide input to the department in order to achieve equity in policy considerations and decisions affecting women's health, including the administration, funding, and delivery of medical care and health care-related services, and additional opportunities for basic and applied research directly affecting women's health.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.  The women's health advisory committee is created.  The governor shall appoint the ten members of the committee.  Committee members shall serve for a term of two years which may be renewed.  The committee shall include one member from each major caucus of the house of representatives and the senate, two representatives from the department of health, one representative from the department of social and health services, two representatives from state-wide women's health advocacy organizations, and one representative from the University of Washington school of public health.

    The committee shall elect one of its members as chair.  In any situation requiring a vote, the chair shall cast the deciding vote.  The committee shall meet no less than twice per calendar year at dates specified by the chair or a majority of the members.

    The members of the committee shall be compensated in accordance with RCW 43.03.220 and shall be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred in carrying out the duties of the committee in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.

    The department shall provide administrative and clerical assistance to the committee.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.  The women's health advisory committee shall advise the department with regard to:

    (1) Strategic planning to improve the department's public health services and programs targeting women;

    (2) Analysis of departmental policies regarding specific issues related to women's health;

    (3) Coordination of pilot projects and planning projects funded by the state that are related to women's health;

    (4) Dispersing information to the public regarding women's health, data, strategies, and programs that address women's health issues, including pregnancy, breast and cervical cancers, AIDS, osteoporosis, and menopause, as well as issues that impact women's health, including substance abuse, domestic violence, housing, teenage pregnancy, and sexual assault;

    (5) The identification of public and private sources of funding for initiatives in women's health; and

    (6) Ways to encourage innovative responses by public and private entities that seek to address women's health issues.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 4.  Sections 1 through 3 of this act are each added to chapter 43.70 RCW.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 5.  (1) The sum of ten thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, from the general fund to the department of health for the purposes of this act.

    (2) The sum of ten thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, from the general fund to the department of health for the purposes of this act.


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