S-1127.3 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 56th Legislature 1999 Regular Session
By Senator Roach
Read first time 02/18/1999. Referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
AN ACT Relating to designating lottery moneys for school construction, arts education, and construction of outdoor athletic facilities; and amending RCW 67.70.240, 43.99N.060, and 28A.300.040.
Sec. 1. RCW 67.70.240 and 1997 c 220 s 206 (Referendum Bill No. 48) are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The moneys in the state lottery account shall be used only for the following:
For)) (a) The payment of prizes to the holders of winning lottery
tickets or shares;
For purposes of)) (b) Making deposits into the reserve account
created by RCW 67.70.250 and into the lottery administrative account created by
RCW 67.70.260;
For purposes of making deposits into the state's general fund;
For)) (c) Distribution to a county for the purpose
of paying the principal and interest payments on bonds issued by the county to
construct a baseball stadium, as defined in RCW 82.14.0485, including
reasonably necessary preconstruction costs. Three million dollars shall be
distributed under this subsection during calendar year 1996. During subsequent
years, such distributions shall equal the prior year's distributions increased
by four percent. Distributions under this subsection shall cease when the
bonds issued for the construction of the baseball stadium are retired, but not
more than twenty years after the tax under RCW 82.14.0485 is first imposed;
For)) (d) Distribution to the stadium and exhibition center account,
created in RCW 43.99N.060. Subject to the conditions of RCW 43.99N.070, six
million dollars shall be distributed under this subsection during the calendar
year 1998. During subsequent years, such distribution shall equal the prior
year's distributions increased by four percent. No distribution may be made
under this subsection after December 31, 1999, unless the conditions for
issuance of the bonds under RCW 43.99N.020(2) are met. Distributions under
this subsection shall cease when the bonds are retired, but not later than
December 31, 2020;
For)) (e) The purchase and promotion of lottery games and
game-related services; and
For)) (f) The payment of agent compensation.
(2) Five percent of the moneys not used for the purposes outlined in subsection (1)(a) through (e) of this section shall be used as matching funds for:
(a) Construction of performing or community arts centers located in whole or in part on school district property; or
(b) Construction of athletic fields and fieldhouses located in whole or in part on school district property.
This determination and level of disbursement shall be made by the office of the superintendent of public instruction based on anticipated school district requests and need. These funds shall be administered by the office of the superintendent of public instruction who may coordinate athletic facility projects with the interagency committee for outdoor recreation.
(3) The school district shall provide twenty-five percent of the funding for programs under subsection (2) of this section. Contributions of private or public funds, donated goods and services, and other measurable commitments including volunteer services, materials, supplies, physical facilities, or a combination thereof may be considered as all or part of the funding provided by the school district. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall determine the appropriate level of value of donated goods and services, and establish a process to prioritize project requests.
(4) Funds intended as matching funds under subsection (2) of this section, for a school district that does not demonstrate by the end of the current fiscal biennium an intent to use those funds, must be deposited into the common school construction fund.
(5) Moneys not used for the purposes outlined in subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall be deposited into the common school construction fund for school construction in amounts as may be available or sufficient to fund all the school construction and modernization projects approved by the state board of education, whichever is less.
(6) Funds not used for the purposes outlined in subsections (1) through (5) of this section shall be deposited into the state's general fund.
The office of financial management shall require the allotment of all expenses paid from the account and shall report to the ways and means committees of the senate and house of representatives any changes in the allotments.
Sec. 2. RCW 43.99N.060 and 1997 c 220 s 214 (Referendum Bill No. 48) are each amended to read as follows:
The stadium and exhibition center account is created in the custody of the
state treasurer. All receipts from the taxes imposed under RCW 82.14.0494 and
distributions under RCW 67.70.240(((5))) (1)(d) shall be
deposited into the account. Only the director of the office of financial
management or the director's designee may authorize expenditures from the
account. The account is subject to allotment procedures under chapter 43.88
RCW. An appropriation is not required for expenditures from this account.
(2) Until bonds are issued under RCW 43.99N.020, up to five million dollars per year beginning January 1, 1999, shall be used for the purposes of subsection (3)(b) of this section, all remaining moneys in the account shall be transferred to the public stadium authority, created under RCW 36.102.020, to be used for public stadium authority operations and development of the stadium and exhibition center.
(3) After bonds are issued under RCW 43.99N.020, all moneys in the stadium and exhibition center account shall be used exclusively for the following purposes in the following priority:
(a) On or before June 30th of each year, the office of financial management shall accumulate in the stadium and exhibition center account an amount at least equal to the amount required in the next succeeding twelve months for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds issued under RCW 43.99N.020;
(b) An additional reserve amount not in excess of the expected average annual principal and interest requirements of bonds issued under RCW 43.99N.020 shall be accumulated and maintained in the account, subject to withdrawal by the state treasurer at any time if necessary to meet the requirements of (a) of this subsection, and, following any withdrawal, reaccumulated from the first tax revenues and other amounts deposited in the account after meeting the requirements of (a) of this subsection; and
(c) The balance, if any, shall be transferred to the youth athletic facility grant account under subsection (4) of this section.
Any revenues derived from the taxes authorized by RCW 36.38.010(5) and 36.38.040 or other amounts that if used as provided under (a) and (b) of this subsection would cause the loss of any tax exemption under federal law for interest on bonds issued under RCW 43.99N.020 shall be deposited in and used exclusively for the purposes of the youth athletic facility grant account and shall not be used, directly or indirectly, as a source of payment of principal of or interest on bonds issued under RCW 43.99N.020, or to replace or reimburse other funds used for that purpose.
(4) Any moneys in the stadium and exhibition center account not required or permitted to be used for the purposes described in subsection (3)(a) and (b) of this section shall be deposited in the youth athletic facility grant account hereby created in the state treasury. Expenditures from the account may be used only for purposes of grants to cities, counties, and qualified nonprofit organizations for youth athletic facilities. Only the director of the interagency committee for outdoor recreation or the director's designee may authorize expenditures from the account. The account is subject to allotment procedures under chapter 43.88 RCW, but an appropriation is not required for expenditures. The athletic facility grants may be used for acquiring, developing, equipping, maintaining, and improving youth or community athletic facilities. Funds shall be divided equally between the development of new athletic facilities, the improvement of existing athletic facilities, and the maintenance of existing athletic facilities. Cities, counties, and qualified nonprofit organizations must submit proposals for grants from the account. To the extent that funds are available, cities, counties, and qualified nonprofit organizations must meet eligibility criteria as established by the director of the interagency committee for outdoor recreation. The grants shall be awarded on a competitive application process and the amount of the grant shall be in proportion to the population of the city or county for where the youth athletic facility is located. Grants awarded in any one year need not be distributed in that year. The director of the interagency committee for outdoor recreation may expend up to one and one-half percent of the moneys deposited in the account created in this subsection for administrative purposes.
Sec. 3. RCW 28A.300.040 and 1992 c 198 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
In addition to any other powers and duties as provided by law, the powers and duties of the superintendent of public instruction shall be:
(1) To have supervision over all matters pertaining to the public schools of the state.
(2) To report to the governor and the legislature such information and data as may be required for the management and improvement of the schools.
To prepare and have printed such forms, registers, courses of study, rules and
regulations for the government of the common schools, ((questions prepared
for the examination of persons as provided for in RCW 28A.305.130(9),)) and
such other material and books as may be necessary for the discharge of the
duties of teachers and officials charged with the administration of the laws
relating to the common schools, and to distribute the same to educational
service district superintendents.
(4) To travel, without neglecting his or her other official duties as superintendent of public instruction, for the purpose of attending educational meetings or conventions, of visiting schools, of consulting educational service district superintendents or other school officials.
(5) To prepare and from time to time to revise a manual of the Washington state common school code, copies of which shall be provided in such numbers as determined by the superintendent of public instruction at no cost to those public agencies within the common school system and which shall be sold at approximate actual cost of publication and distribution per volume to all other public and nonpublic agencies or individuals, said manual to contain Titles 28A and 28C RCW, rules and regulations related to the common schools, and such other matter as the state superintendent or the state board of education shall determine. Proceeds of the sale of such code shall be transmitted to the public printer who shall credit the state superintendent's account within the state printing plant revolving fund by a like amount.
(6) To act as ex officio member and the chief executive officer of the state board of education.
(7) To file all papers, reports and public documents transmitted to the superintendent by the school officials of the several counties or districts of the state, each year separately. Copies of all papers filed in the superintendent's office, and the superintendent's official acts, may, or upon request, shall be certified by the superintendent and attested by the superintendent's official seal, and when so certified shall be evidence of the papers or acts so certified to.
(8) To require annually, on or before the 15th day of August, of the president, manager, or principal of every educational institution in this state, a report as required by the superintendent of public instruction; and it is the duty of every president, manager or principal, to complete and return such forms within such time as the superintendent of public instruction shall direct.
(9) To keep in the superintendent's office a record of all teachers receiving certificates to teach in the common schools of this state.
(10) To issue certificates as provided by law.
(11) To keep in the superintendent's office at the capital of the state, all books and papers pertaining to the business of the superintendent's office, and to keep and preserve in the superintendent's office a complete record of statistics, as well as a record of the meetings of the state board of education.
(12) With the assistance of the office of the attorney general, to decide all points of law which may be submitted to the superintendent in writing by any educational service district superintendent, or that may be submitted to the superintendent by any other person, upon appeal from the decision of any educational service district superintendent; and the superintendent shall publish his or her rulings and decisions from time to time for the information of school officials and teachers; and the superintendent's decision shall be final unless set aside by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(13) To administer oaths and affirmations in the discharge of the superintendent's official duties.
(14) To deliver to his or her successor, at the expiration of the superintendent's term of office, all records, books, maps, documents and papers of whatever kind belonging to the superintendent's office or which may have been received by the superintendent's for the use of the superintendent's office.
(15) To administer family services and programs to promote the state's policy as provided in RCW 74.14A.025.
(16) To administer the funds provided under RCW 67.70.240 (1), (2), and (3).
(17) To perform such other duties as may be required by law.
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