S-1986.3  _______________________________________________


                         SENATE BILL 6070



State of Washington      56th Legislature     1999 Regular Session


By Senator Fraser


Read first time 03/02/1999.  Referred to Committee on Environmental Quality & Water Resources.

Studying the effects of climate change.

    AN ACT Relating to studying global climate change; creating new sections; and making an appropriation.




    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.  The legislature finds that there is increasing evidence of climate disruption.  The potential effects of this change could include extraordinary heat waves, persistent drought-driven forest fires, increases in the frequency and severity of storms and storm damage, and warming of the earth's surface.  There is a growing consensus among scientists that human activities are influencing climate.  While the probable causes of climate change are occurring on a global scale, it is likely there will be effects specific to the Pacific Northwest region.  The potential effects have social, economic, and ecological dimensions and include effects on energy supply and demand, resource economies and industries such as forestry, fishing and agriculture, hydrology and water resources, community infrastructure, emergency services, aquatic ecosystems, human health, recreation opportunities, insurance, transportation, coastal activities, and urban settlements.  It is the intent of the legislature to further encourage the development of science that can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of whether climate change is occurring and the potential effects of it.  This will allow citizens and public officials to be better prepared to evaluate measures to mitigate the effects of climate change and develop appropriate responses.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.  (1) The institute for public policy shall conduct a study on the potential effects of global climate change on the Pacific Northwest region and Washington.  The study shall include:  (a) A review of the scientific information on climate disruption and potential climate change; (b) a review of research findings by the national assessment of the consequences of climate variability and change, Pacific Northwest region; (c) an evaluation of the potential effects on the Pacific Northwest region and Washington of potential climate change scenarios; (d) development and evaluation of potential policy responses to the effects of climate change; and (e) recommendations for action.

    (2) A committee is established to advise the institute for public policy in the conduct of the study described in subsection (1) of this section.  The committee shall consist of:  (a) Four members of the house of representatives, two from each major caucus, appointed by the co-speakers of the house of representatives; (b) four members of the senate, two from each major caucus appointed by the president of the senate; (c) four members of the public appointed by the governor; and (d) a representative of the joint institute for the study of the atmosphere and ocean, climate impacts group at the University of Washington.

    (3) In conducting the study, the institute for public policy shall cooperate with education and government entities in the state that have expertise and understanding related to the effects of climate change on the region and the state.  These entities include, but are not limited to, public and private universities, the department of ecology, the department of community, trade, and economic development, the department of agriculture, and the department of natural resources.

    (4) The institute for public policy shall provide an interim report to the legislature by January 31, 2000, and a final report to the legislature by January 1, 2001.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.  The sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for the biennium ending June 30, 2001, from the general fund to the institute for public policy to conduct the study directed in section 2 of this act.


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