

By Senators Snyder, McAuliffe, Sheldon, B., Wojahn, Haugen, Heavey, Prentice, Costa, Bauer, Spanel, Rasmussen, and Kohl-Welles


      WHEREAS, It is the policy of the Washington State Legislature to recognize and honor its past leaders and those individuals who, by their own standards of excellence and dedication to public service, advance the well-being and best interests of the citizens of the state of Washington; and

      WHEREAS, Today marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of Governor Albert Dean Rosellini; and

      WHEREAS, Governor Rosellini was born in Tacoma, Washington, graduating from that city=s Stadium High School, going on to graduate from the University of Washington with a bachelor of arts degree and later graduating  from that institution=s school of law; and

      WHEREAS, Governor Rosellini was appointed Deputy Prosecutor of King County in 1935 and held that office for three years achieving the highest record of convictions of any deputy; and

      WHEREAS, In 1938, Governor Rosellini was elected to the office of State Senator to represent the 33rd Legislative District, a position he held for eighteen years, serving as Democratic floor leader for twelve years; and

      WHEREAS, In 1956, Governor Rosellini was first elected Governor, an office he would hold for eight years; and

      WHEREAS, During Governor Rosellini=s two terms in office, he achieved substantial budget reform that increased accountability while decreasing inefficiencies and redundancies in government; and

      WHEREAS, He achieved meaningful reform of the state=s prisons, mental hospitals, and juvenile homes to modernize, upgrade, and humanize our state=s treatment of convicts, the mentally ill, persons with developmental disabilities, the blind, and the deaf; and

      WHEREAS, Governor Rosellini, during his terms as Governor, championed efforts to expand both of Washington=s major institutions for higher education, established a sound community college system, and supported financing of higher education, be it vocational, liberal, or scientific; and

      WHEREAS, The Governor was dedicated to the economic development of Washington  and helped bring  the World=s Fair to Seattle in 1962; and

      WHEREAS, The Governor has continued his public service as an appointee to the Washington State Transportation Commission from 1979 to 1991; chairing that body from 1990 to 1991; continuing his chairmanship, which began in 1979, of the Washington State Olympic Committee; and becoming Director of the Washington State Trade and Convention Center in 1993; and

      WHEREAS, Governor Rosellini=s experience, shared through stories,  provides us with a treasured heritage as we continue to enact the laws of our state; and

      WHEREAS, Governor Rosellini, through his many years of devoted public service, truly deserves to be recognized as AOne of America=s Great Governors@;

      NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the members of the Washington State Senate do hereby recognize and honor Albert Dean Rosellini for his dedication to public service and innumerable contributions to the health and well-being of the people of the state of Washington; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to Governor Albert Dean Rosellini.


I, Tony M. Cook, Secretary of the Senate,

do hereby certify that this is a true and

correct copy of Senate Resolution 2000-8699,

adopted by the Senate January 21, 2000.





Secretary of the Senate