

By Senator Haugen


     WHEREAS, It is the tradition of the Washington State Senate to honor and recognize citizens who excel in their chosen field of endeavor; and

     WHEREAS, Stanwood High School Athletic Director Jim Piccolo was recently named National Athletic Director of the Year for secondary schools by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education; and

     WHEREAS, Mr. Piccolo has served Stanwood High School as Athletic Director for seventeen years and as Vice Principal for the last fifteen years; and

     WHEREAS, The former Grays Harbor Community College quarterback and Washington State University graduate helped transform the Stanwood athletic program into a winning one for everyone:  the students, the coaches, and the community; and

     WHEREAS, His leadership and cooperation with Stanwood=s coaches helped create a five-year program that has since produced league and/or district titles in football, volleyball, cross country, soccer, tennis, boys= golf, and boys= and girls= basketball; and

     WHEREAS, Mr. Piccolo=s philosophy of  Awhat is best for kids@ has led to a winning program filled with well-rounded student athletes who are encouraged to follow a ATriple A@ philosophy: academics, activities, and athletics; and

     WHEREAS, APic,@ as he is fondly known, has also witnessed Coach of the Year honors in his programs for football, track, soccer, volleyball, girls basketball, tennis, and, this year, in wrestling; and

     WHEREAS, His encouragement for students to excel in atheleticism has led to more than half the student body participating in one or more sports this year, 308 are in two or more sports, and the numbers continue to grow; and

     WHEREAS, In the senior class, Stanwood also has twenty-five  three‑sport  athletes with grade‑point averages of 3.7 or better; and

     WHEREAS, He intends to continue to lend his leadership skills and experience by helping new athletic directors and younger teams succeed at both Stanwood middle schools;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the members of the Washington State Senate do hereby honor and applaud the leadership of Mr. Jim Piccolo and the success of the entire Stanwood athletic program; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to Mr. Jim Piccolo and Stanwood High School.


I, Tony M. Cook, Secretary of the Senate,

do hereby certify that this is a true and

correct copy of Senate Resolution 2000-8791,

adopted by the Senate April 7, 2000.




Secretary of the Senate