SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5728



                   Chapter 284, Laws of 1999



                        56th Legislature

                      1999 Regular Session







                    EFFECTIVE DATE:  7/25/99

Passed by the Senate April 21, 1999

  YEAS 47   NAYS 0



               BRAD OWEN

President of the Senate


Passed by the House April 8, 1999

  YEAS 95   NAYS 0



I, Tony M. Cook, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is  SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5728 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth.



             CLYDE BALLARD

Speaker of the

      House of Representatives

            TONY M. COOK





              FRANK CHOPP

Speaker of the

      House of Representatives



Approved May 13, 1999 Place Style On Codes above, and Style Off Codes below.  




             May 13, 1999 - 3:18 p.m.




              GARY LOCKE

Governor of the State of Washington

                 Secretary of State

                 State of Washington



                    SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5728



                      AS AMENDED BY THE HOUSE


             Passed Legislature - 1999 Regular Session


State of Washington      56th Legislature     1999 Regular Session


By Senate Committee on State & Local Government (originally sponsored by Senators Winsley, Haugen, McCaslin and Hale)


Read first time 02/18/1999.

Determining the validity of proposed bond issues.  

    AN ACT Relating to proposed bond issues; amending RCW 7.25.010, 7.25.020, 7.25.030, and 7.25.040; and adding a new section to chapter 7.25 RCW.




    Sec. 1.  RCW 7.25.010 and 1983 c 263 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

    Whenever the legislative or governing body of the state or any county, city, school district, other municipal corporation, taxing district, or any agency, instrumentality, or public corporation thereof shall desire to issue bonds of any kind and shall have passed an ordinance or resolution authorizing the same, the validity of such proposed bond issue may be tested and determined in the manner provided in this chapter.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.  A new section is added to chapter 7.25 RCW to read as follows:

    As used in this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

    (1) "Government entity" means the state of Washington, the state finance committee, any county, city, school district, other municipal corporation, taxing district, or any agency, instrumentality, or public corporation thereof.

    (2) "Bonds" means one or more bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness.

    (3) "Interested parties" means all taxpayers, ratepayers, or any other persons who have any obligations, rights, or other interests in the bonds or issuance thereof, or the project or purpose for which the bonds were issued or are to be issued.


    Sec. 3.  RCW 7.25.020 and 1983 c 263 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

    A complaint shall be prepared and filed in the superior court by such ((county, city, school district, other municipal corporation, taxing district, or agency, instrumentality, or public corporation thereof)) government entity setting forth such ordinance or resolution and that it is the purpose of the plaintiff to issue and sell bonds as stated therein and that it is desired that the right of the plaintiff to so issue such bonds and sell the same shall be tested and determined in said action.  In said action all ((taxpayers of such taxing district)) interested parties shall be deemed to be defendants ((and shall be named in the title of said action as defendants with the words "The Taxpayers of . . . . . . (naming the taxing district), Defendants.")).  The title of the action shall be "In re (name of bond issue)."  Upon the filing of the complaint the court shall, upon the application of the plaintiff, enter an order naming one or more ((taxpayers of such taxing district)) interested parties upon whom service in said action shall be made as the representative of all ((taxpayers of said district)) interested parties, except such as may intervene as herein provided, and in such case the court shall fix and allow a reasonable attorney's fee in said action to the attorney who shall represent the representative ((taxpayer or taxpayers)) interested parties as aforesaid, and such fee and all taxable costs incurred by such representative ((taxpayer or taxpayers)) interested parties shall be taxed as costs against the plaintiff:  PROVIDED, That if the ((taxpayer or taxpayers)) interested parties appointed by the court shall default, the court shall appoint an attorney who shall defend said action on behalf of all ((taxpayers)) interested parties, and such attorney shall be allowed a reasonable fee and taxable costs to be taxed against the plaintiff:  PROVIDED FURTHER, That ((any taxpayer)) after filing the complaint, the plaintiff shall twice place a notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the boundaries of the government entity, stating the title of the action, informing the interested parties that the action has been commenced testing the validity of the bonds, and stating that any interested parties, as that term is defined herein, may intervene in such action and be represented therein by his own attorney.  Thereupon, any interested parties who desire to intervene must apply to the court to intervene within ten days after the second publication of the notice.


    Sec. 4.  RCW 7.25.030 and 1939 c 153 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

    The court in such action shall enter its judgment determining whether or not the bonds as proposed will be valid, and if the court finds that a portion, but not all, of the said bond issue is authorized by law, the court shall so declare, and find by its judgment what portion of such bond issue will be valid, and the judgment in said action shall be conclusive and binding upon all ((taxpayers)) interested parties and upon all other persons.


    Sec. 5.  RCW 7.25.040 and 1939 c 153 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

    Except as otherwise herein provided, all the provisions of the laws of Washington relating to declaratory judgments shall apply to the action herein provided for.  The remedy and procedure herein provided shall be in addition to other remedies and procedures now provided by law.

    Passed the Senate April 21, 1999.

    Passed the House April 8, 1999.

Approved by the Governor May 13, 1999.

    Filed in Office of Secretary of State May 13, 1999.