May 18, 1999

To the Honorable Speaker and Members,

  The House of Representatives of the State of Washington

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     I am returning herewith, without my approval as to section 109, lines 16 through 31; section 748(1); and section 923, Substitute House Bill No. 1165 entitled:

"AN ACT Relating to the capital budget;"

     My reasons for vetoing these sections are as follows:


Section 109, page 5, lines 16-31, Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development, Burke Museum Governance and Siting Study

The Burke Museum requested funding to conduct a predesign study for an expansion of its facilities, which I recommended in my proposed budget.  The Senate provided that the funds be used for a study on the governance of the Burke Museum, as well as the predesign.  I do not consider a governance study to be an appropriate use of bond funds.


Section 748 (1), page 165, Washington Heritage Projects (Washington State Historical Society)

Section 748(1) would require state funding for listed heritage projects be disbursed in the order that matching requirements are met.  That provision would introduce an additional condition B immediate availability of local funding B that did not exist when the projects were ranked by the Washington State Historical Society in consultation with the heritage community.  I have vetoed section 748(1) to maintain the integrity of the original project prioritization process.


Section 923, pages 211-213, Salmon Recovery Grants Program (Office of the Governor)

An appropriation of $111,875,000 to the salmon recovery funding board within the Office of the Governor was made to provide grants to local governments, state agencies, tribes, conservation districts, and nonprofit entities for salmon recovery activities.  Use of this appropriation was conditioned on the passage of legislation involving the governance of salmon recovery activities in our state.  Such legislation has not yet passed the legislature.  When acceptable governance legislation is adopted by the legislature, this salmon recovery grant program money can also be approved.


With the exception of section 109, lines 16 through 31; section 748(1); and section 923, Substitute House Bill No. 1165 is approved.



                   Respectfully submitted,

                   Gary Locke
