HB 1284 - DIGEST
Directs the department of natural resources to prepare a report to the legislature identifying the status of sand, gravel, and rock deposits, and recommending zoning and extraction practices.
Requires the report to include the following: (1) An evaluation of the impacts of sand and gravel excavation in floodplains on the spawning and rearing habitat of salmonid and freshwater species;
(2) a recommendation on whether additional controls are needed for sand and gravel extraction in floodplains to protect fish resources;
(3) an evaluation of the expected life of known and designated sand and gravel deposits within an economically viable transport distance from major urban areas;
(4) an evaluation of current sand, gravel, and rock consumption and projected sand, gravel, and rock consumption trends for the next fifty years;
(5) an evaluation of alternative sources of aggregate supply including recycling, reuse, conservation opportunities, and quarried rock; and
(6) a recommendation to local governments on mineral resource designation standards to protect known deposits of sand, rock, and gravel to meet projected supply needs.
Makes appropriations to carry out the purposes of the act.
Provides that the act shall be null and void if appropriations are not approved.