HB 1578 - DIGEST


     Directs the department of health to establish ten early hearing loss detection, diagnosis, and intervention pilot programs linked to community resources throughout Washington, including metropolitan and rural areas.  The department of health early hearing loss detection, diagnosis, and intervention pilot programs shall ensure the following:  (1) All newborn infants shall be screened for hearing loss by three months of age in the area identified as the pilot program catchment area by the department of health;

     (2) screening should occur prior to hospital discharge at the time of birth, with coordination to screen home births;

     (3) all infants who fail the screen shall be diagnosed for hearing loss by six months of age; and

     (4) that appropriate intervention is provided to all infants who are diagnosed with significant hearing loss.

     Makes an appropriation of four hundred ninety thousand dollars for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1999, from the general fund to the department of health for the purposes of this act.

     Makes an appropriation of two hundred sixty thousand dollars for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, from the general fund to the department of health for the purposes of this act.