HB 1675 - DIGEST
Revises provisions relating to the wholesale and retail sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages.
Directs the liquor control board to begin the process of terminating its operations involving the retail sale and wholesale distribution of liquor. The board and the office of financial management shall determine those actions necessary to terminate the board's direct involvement in the retail sale and wholesale distribution of liquor by July 1, 2002, and make recommendations to the legislature by December 1, 1999, on the following: (1) Disposition of equipment and inventory under the control of the liquor control board used in the operation of state liquor stores and agency vendor stores;
(2) disposition of all warehousing facilities and other equipment and vehicles used in the wholesale distribution of liquor;
(3) the status of contracts and other obligations;
(4) determine the impact on sales and availability of spirits to the public during the period of decreasing state liquor store operation and the implementation of private retail and wholesaling of spirits;
(5) identification of issues and a plan for treatment of personnel; and
(6) any other actions determined necessary by the reporting agencies.
Authorizes the board to take actions necessary to implement the spirits distributor's license and the spirits retail license for grocery stores by July 1, 2002.
Requires the board to exercise due diligence to reduce any liabilities associated with discontinuing board retailing and wholesaling operations including contract commitments for the acquisition of alcoholic beverages or interests in real estate used for the retailing and wholesaling of alcoholic beverages past July 1, 2002.
Repeals RCW 66.08.070, 66.08.160, 66.08.235, 66.12.020, 66.16.010, 66.16.030, 66.16.041, 66.16.050, 66.16.060, 66.16.070, 66.16.080, 66.16.090, 66.20.160, 66.24.440, 66.32.010, and 66.44.120.