SHB 1441 - H AMD

By Representative Morris


     On page 1, line 13, before Aenergy star rating@ strike Ahave received their@ and insert Ahas received its@


     On page 2, line 2, after Alighting@ strike A, clothes washers, and dishwashers that meet or exceed@ and insert Athat meets or exceeds@


     On page 2, line 6, after Aand that@ strike Ahave received their@ and insert Ahas received its@


     On page 2, line 7, after Alighting@ strike A, clothes washers, and dishwashers that were acquired@ and insert Athat was acquired@





EFFECT: Limits the application of the use tax exemption to energy efficient lighting only, and not also to clothes washers and dishwashers.  Makes technical grammar corrections.