Washington State House of Representatives
Transportation Committee |
HB 1157
Brief Description: Identifying rebuilt vehicles.
Sponsors: Representatives Murray, Hankins, Lovick, Fisher and Keiser.
Brief Summary of Bill
$Extends the definition of a ?salvage vehicle@ to apply to vehicles under 25 years old, as opposed to the current provision which applies only to vehicles under six years old.
$Requires the department to state the word ?rebuilt@ on the title and registration of a vehicle that has been rebuilt.
Hearing Date: 2/13/01
Staff: Reema Griffith (786‑7301).
Under current law, when a vehicle is destructed beyond repair or declared a total loss, the owner must surrender the title and registration to the Department of Licensing within 15 days of the accident. Once a vehicle=s title is surrendered to the department on the grounds of being a total loss, the vehicle is considered a ?salvage vehicle.@ If the salvage vehicle is rebuilt, current law requires that the department issue a special title and registration with the words ?Wa. Rebuilt@ displayed across the front of the document. Also, upon inspection of the rebuilt vehicle, the State Patrol must affix or inscribe a marking on the inside of the driver=s side door, indicating the vehicle was previously destroyed or declared a total loss.
Although current law has established ways to keep track of salvage vehicles, the definition of a ?salvage vehicle@ limits the effectiveness of those laws. Current language specifically excludes vehicles that are six years old or older. Therefore, if a seven year old vehicle is damaged beyond repair, it is not classified as a ?salvage vehicle@ which then removes the requirement for the word ?rebuilt@ to be stated on the vehicle=s title and registration or to be inscribed on the vehicle itself. Thus, subsequent owners of that seven year old vehicle would not be aware that the vehicle had been severely damaged and subsequently rebuilt.
Summary of Bill:
In order to ensure that a greater number of rebuilt vehicles sold come with the appropriate disclosure of this information, the definition of a ?salvage vehicle@ is extended to apply to vehicles under 25 years old, as opposed to the current provision which applies only to vehicles under six years old.
Requires the Department of Licensing to state the word ?rebuilt@on the title and registration of a vehicle that has ever been rebuilt after becoming a salvage vehicle.
A technical amendment is made, changing the RCW citation which defines ?secured party.@ This change was made because the current RCW providing this definition will be repealed as of July 1, 2001.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.