Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Health Care


HB 1180


Brief Description:  Obtaining and expending funds for the public health system.


Sponsors:  Representatives Cody, Marine, Ruderman, McMorris and Schual‑Berke.


Brief Summary of Bill


$The Department of Health can solicit funds and place them in a dedicated account.



Hearing Date:  2/2/01


Staff:  Dave Knutson (786‑7146).




The Department of Health is authorized to accept gifts, grants, or other funds.  Current statutory language does not authorize the department to solicit funds from public and private sources.


If the department receives gifts or grants, the funds are either treated as unanticipated receipts requiring Office of Financial Management approval, or are deposited in the general fund, requiring appropriation by the Legislature.


Summary of Bill: 


The Department of Health is authorized to solicit funds from public and private sources.


A public health supplemental account is created to receive funds solicited by the department to maintain and improve the public health system.  No appropriation is required for the Secretary of the Department of Health to authorize expenditures from the account.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.