Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research





HB 1256


Brief Description:  Regarding educational service districts' superintendent review committees.


Sponsors:  Representatives Cox, Haigh, Fromhold, Schoesler and Hunt.


Brief Summary of Bill


$Revises the process governing the selection of educational service district superintendents.



Hearing Date:  1/31/01


Staff:  Susan Morrissey (786‑7111).




The governing boards of educational service districts (ESDs) must nominate and select their superintendents through a process described in law.  First, a superintendent review committee must be formed.  The committee is composed of three people, two school district superintendents selected by the ESD board and one representative of the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), selected by OSPI.   The two school district superintendents must be selected from within the ESD.


The superintendent review committee is required to screen all candidates for ESD superintendent and nominate to the board a list of three of the candidates.  The ESD board must select one of the three candidates or reject all three and request a new list of three candidates.  The process is repeated until a candidate is selected.


Summary of Bill: 


The process governing the selection of ESD superintendents is revised.  The superintendent review committee is expanded to include a subcommittee of the ESD board.   The review committee will screen candidates against a set of established qualifications and will recommend to the board a list of candidates for the position.  The board must select the superintendent from the list presented by the review committee.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.