Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Children & Family Services Committee



HB 1356


Brief Description:  Simplifying asset tests.


Sponsors:  Representatives Tokuda (co‑prime sponsor) and Boldt (co‑prime sponsor); by request of Governor Locke.


Brief Summary of Bill


$Streamlines the resource calculation for determination of eligibity for TANF.


$Eliminates the reference to the federal poverty level for the purposes of supplying child care information to TANF recipients and low income families.



Hearing Date:  2/12/01


Staff:  Tracey Taylor (786‑7196).




Federal regulation of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program permits states to set income and resource definitions for cash assistance.  Under state law, and the federally approved Medicaid state plan, income and resource definitions for cash assistance are also applicable for medical assistance.  The federal Food Stamps Program specifies certain definitions for income and resources.


Currently, the statute gives examples of resources exempt from consideration in determining a TANF applicant=s income.  Child care information is provided through the office of child care policy for TANF recipients and families with incomes at or below 175% of the federal poverty level.


Summary of Bill: 


In determining eligibility for public assistance, a resource is defined as ?cash or other asset readily convertible to cash@ by the applicant.  The department must designate by rule, the maximum resources an applicant may have and still be eligible for public assistance.


The reference to the federal poverty level for the child care information is eliminated.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Available.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.