Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Agriculture & Ecology Committee



HB 1599


Brief Description:  Implementing water conservation standards for automatic landscape irrigation systems.


Sponsors:  Representatives Simpson, Linville, Cooper, Wood and Keiser.


Brief Summary of Bill


$Requires, after August 1, 2001, automatic landscape irrigation systems to include a rain sensing device that prohibits irrigation by the system when the sensor indicates that adequate moisture is available.


$Applies this requirement to new systems for residential, hotel, motel, school, governmental, industrial, and commercial facilities and for certain replacements or expansions of existing systems.



Hearing Date:  2/27/01


Staff:  Kenneth Hirst (786‑7105).




State law adopted by reference the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Building Code Standards, published by the International Conference of Building Officials; the Uniform Mechanical Code published by the International Conference of Building Officials, including a chapter on fuel gas piping; provisions of the Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards, published by the International Fire Code Institute, except that carrying hand-held candles in religious ceremonies is not precluded; and portions of the Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Plumbing Code Standards, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials.  (RCW 19.27.031).  The council is to maintain and update these codes by amendments and may approve or deny certain county or city amendments to them.  (RCW 19.27.074.)  In 1989, the council was directed by statute to adopt revisions to the plumbing code by establishing water conservation standards for certain water closets, urinals, showerheads, and faucets.  (RCW 19.27.170.)


Summary of Bill:






Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Requested on February 21, 2001.


Effective Date:  The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.