Washington State House of Representatives
Transportation Committee |
HB 1669
Brief Description: Adopting cost‑benefit analysis for transportation planning.
Sponsors: Representatives Fisher, Mitchell and Poulsen; by request of The Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation.
Brief Summary of Bill
$The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is directed to develop analytic tools to use a common methodology to measure costs and benefits for all transportation modes.
$The WSDOT is directed to use the most cost-effective pavement surfaces based upon durability.
Hearing Date: 2/20/01
Staff: Paul Neal (786‑7315).
The Legislature and the Governor formed the Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation in 1998 to assess the local, regional, and state transportation system; ensure that current and future money is spent wisely; make the system more accountable and predictable; and prepare a 20-year plan for funding and investing in the transportation system. The commission consisted of 46 members representing business, labor, agriculture, tribes, government, ports, shipping, trucking, transit, rail, environmental interests, and the general public.
The commission made 18 recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature. Recommendation #5 outlined several ways to invest in maintenance, preservation, and improvement of the entire transportation system so that transportation benchmarks can be achieved.
The commission specifically recommended using the most cost-effective pavement surfaces based on durability as a way to invest in preservation of the transportation system. To improve the decision-making process for transportation investments, the commission recommended using cost-benefit analysis and travel demand modeling tools.
Summary of Bill:
Analytic tools must be developed to use a common methodology for measuring the costs and the benefits of all modes of transportation. The WSDOT and the Transportation Commission must adopt standards for effective programming and prioritization practices using a cost-benefit analysis process.
The preservation program within the WSDOT must require the use of the most cost-effective pavement surfaces based on durability. The Transportation Commission must develop and use transportation demand modeling tools to evaluate investments.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.