Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research |
Local Government & Housing Committee |
HB 1801
Brief Description: Siting manufactured homes.
Sponsors: Representatives Dunshee (co‑prime sponsor), Dunn (co‑prime sponsor), Quall and Mielke.
Brief Summary of Bill
$Prohibits local governments from precluding the siting of designated manufactured homes or new manufactured homes on individual lots in single-family residential zones.
Hearing Date: 2/26/01
Staff: Kenny Pittman (786‑7392).
All cities, code cities, towns, and counties (local governments) have general authority to adopt comprehensive plans and zoning ordinances. Local governments required or choosing to plan under the state=s Growth Management Act (GMA) have specific requirements to adopt comprehensive plans containing certain elements consistent with GMA requirements and to enact implementing development regulations, including zoning provisions.
A ?designated manufactured home@ is defined as a manufactured home constructed after June 15, 1976 in accordance with federal construction standards, meets certain minimum size and roof pitch requirements, and has exterior siding material similar to materials commonly used in conventional site-built homes.
Summary of Bill:
Cities, code cities, towns, and counties (local governments) are prohibited from precluding by zoning the siting of designated manufactured homes and new manufactured homes on individual lots in single-family residential zones. The designated manufactured must meet the performance standards of the state energy. The new manufactured homes must not have been previously titled to a retail purchaser and is not considered a ?used mobile home.@
Local governments may subject manufactured homes to land use regulations applicable to other single-family residences in zoning district. A local government may adopt design regulations to assure neighborhood compatibility if these apply equally to manufactured homes and conventional site-built homes.
Statutory planning provisions that require local governments not permitting manufactured homes siting in single-family residential zones to review need and demand are deleted.
The definition of ?designated manufactured home@ is amended to change the roof pitch requirements from ?not less than@ 3:12 to a ?nominal@ 3:12 pitch.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
Effective Date: The act takes effect January 1, 2003.