Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research |
Higher Education Committee |
HB 1910
Brief Description: Authorizing doctorate level degrees in physical therapy at Eastern Washington University.
Sponsors: Representatives Kenney (co‑prime sponsor), Cox (co‑prime sponsor), Schoesler, Schindler, Benson, Gombosky, McMorris, Skinner, Fromhold, Dunn, Jarrett, Crouse, Lantz, Sump, Ogden, Ahern, Bush, Esser and Wood.
Brief Summary of Bill
$Authorizes the Board of Trustees of Eastern Washington University to offer a doctorate level degree in physical therapy subject to review and approval by the Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Hearing Date: 2/19/01
Staff: Marsha Reilly (786‑7135).
Currently, statute allows the regional universities, including Eastern Washington University, to offer bachelor=s and master=s level degrees. Washington State University and the University of Washington are authorized to offer bachelor=s, master=s, and doctorate degrees.
The University of Washington offers both master=s and doctorate degrees in physical therapy. Their doctorate degree is a Ph.D. which is a post-professional degree. The only other university in Washington that offers a physical therapy program is the University of Puget Sound, and they currently offer a master=s level degree.
Regionally, universities that offer physical therapy programs are planning to convert to a doctorate in physical therapy (DPT) program, or are already in stages of conversion including: Pacific University, Idaho State University, the University of Montana, the University of Colorado and Northern Arizona University.
The national accrediting association for physical therapy has announced that the profession is moving to a DPT as the entry-level degree.
Summary of Bill:
This bill authorizes the Board of Trustees at Eastern Washington University to offer a doctorate degree in Physical Therapy. The program must meet the program approval requirements of the Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Eastern Washington University proposes to offer a DPT which is a professional degree.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on February 13, 2001.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.