Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research |
State Government Committee |
HB 2053
Brief Description: Expiring agency rules periodically.
Sponsors: Representatives Anderson, Alexander, Cox, DeBolt, Crouse, Schindler, Mitchell, Ericksen, Clements, Cairnes, Talcott and Woods.
Brief Summary of Bill
$Expires agency rules after five years unless re-authorized by the Legislature.
Hearing Date: 2/19/01
Staff: Jim Morishima (786‑7191).
The executive branch is responsible for implementing state laws. As part of this responsibility, the agencies in the executive branch pass administrative rules. In order to be valid, agency rules:
$Must not exceed the amount of authority delegated to the agency by the Legislature;
$Must comply with both the federal and state constitutions;
$Must not be arbitrary and capricious; and
$Must have been adopted in accordance with the law.
Most agency rules take effect 30 days after they are filed with the Code Reviser, unless a later date is specified by statute or in the order of adoption. Rules can become effective at an earlier date under the following circumstances:
$If the rule is an emergency rule (emergency rules take effect upon filing);
$If the rule is required by the state or federal Constitution, a statute, or a court order;
$If the rule only delays the effective date of another rule; or
$If the earlier effective date is necessary to prevent imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare.
Summary of Bill:
Agency rules expire on December 31 of the fifth year after they take effect unless re‑authorized by the Legislature. If a rule expires, it is considered repealed and is of no further effect. The Legislature may not re‑activate an expired rule.
Rulemaking Authority: No express authority.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.