Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



State Government Committee



HB 2054


Brief Description:  Creating notice requirements for administrative rule changes.


Sponsors:  Representatives McMorris, DeBolt, Cox, Crouse, Schindler, Mitchell, Ericksen, Clements, Cairnes, Talcott, Lambert and Woods.


Brief Summary of Bill


$Requires agencies adopting rules imposing requirements on businesses to make a good faith effort to notify affected businesses of the availability of technical assistance.



Hearing Date:  2/19/01


Staff:  Jim Morishima (786‑7191).




All regulatory agencies must develop technical assistance programs to encourage voluntary compliance with statutory requirements.  The programs must include printed information, information and assistance by telephone, training meetings, technical assistance visits, and other methods to provide technical assistance.  Agencies must also provide lists of organizations, including private companies, that provide technical assistance.


Summary of Bill: 


Within 200 days of the effective date of a rule that imposes additional requirements and possible penalties on businesses, the agency adopting the rule must make a good faith effort to notify businesses affected by the rule of the requirements of the rule and how to obtain technical assistance.  An agency has made a good faith effort if it: 1) Has at least notified all businesses in the class affected by the rule registered with the Department of Revenue, or 2) has at least notified persons holding a license, registration, or permit, if the rule only affects holders of a license, registration or permit.  The notification must announce and summarize the rule change, and include contact information for more information.


Rulemaking Authority:  No express authority.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.