Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



State Government Committee



HB 2095


Brief Description:  Changing reporting requirements for architectural and engineering firms.


Sponsors:  Representatives Dunshee and Mulliken.


Brief Summary of Bill


$Allows state agencies and local governments to encourage architectural firms and engineering firms to submit statements of qualifications and performance data no less than biennially rather than annually.



Hearing Date:  2/23/01


Staff:  Steve Lundin (786‑7127).




A common procedure is established for state agency or local government to award contracts for architectural and engineering services, as follows:

$The state agency or local government publishes an announcement of its requirement for architectural or engineering services.


$State agencies and local governments must encourage firms to submit annual statements of qualifications and performance data.


$The state agency or local government evaluates current statements of qualifications and performance data, together with those submitted specifically for the project, and conducts discussions with one or more firms regarding anticipated concepts and the relative utility of alternative methods of approach for furnishing the required services.


$The state agency or local government selects the firm deemed to be the most highly qualified to provide the services for the proposed project using criteria it has established.


$The state agency or local government negotiates a contract with the most qualified firm for services at a price the agency or local government determines is fair and reasonable.


If the agency is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract, it may terminate the negotiations and select another firm following the same procedure and negotiate with that firm.


Summary of Bill: 


The requirement that state agencies and local governments encourage statements of qualifications and performance data from architectural firms and engineering firms to be submitted annually is changed to no less than biennially.


Rulemaking Authority:  No express authority.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.