Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research |
Natural Resources Committee |
HB 2106
Brief Description: Extending the time for the forest practices board to complete rule making required to implement the forests and fish report.
Sponsors: Representatives Sump, Doumit and Pearson.
Brief Summary of Bill
$Extends the deadline for rulemaking by the Forest Practices Board under the Forests and Fish Report from June 30, 2001 to October 1, 2001.
Hearing Date: 2/19/01
Staff: Jason Callahan (786‑7117).
The Forest and Fish report was presented to the Forest Practices Board (Board) and the Governor=s Salmon Recovery Office on February 22nd, 1999. The report represents the recommendations of the authors for the development and implementation of rules, statutes, and programs designed to improve and protect riparian habitat on non-federal forest lands in Washington. The report was authored by various stakeholders, including the federal government, state government, tribal governments, various interest and constituency groups. The rules proposed in the Forest and Fish report are designed to provide compliance with the Endangered Species Act, restore and maintain minimum riparian habitat to support a harvestable supply of fish, meet Clean Water Act standards, and keep the timber industry economically viable.
In 1999, the Legislature recognized the contributions and efforts of the Forest and Fish report. The Forest Practices Board was encouraged by the legislature to follow the recommendations from the report when adopting permanent rules. If the Board chooses to adopt rules inconsistent with the Forest and Fish Report, the reasoning behind proposed rules must be explained to the legislature. Currently, the Board has until June 30, 2001 to complete rulemaking under the Forest and Fish Report.
Summary of Bill:
The deadline for rulemaking by the Forest Practices Board under the Forests and Fish Report is extended from June 30, 2001 to October 1, 2001.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
Effective Date: Immediately.