Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Education Committee



HB 2607


Brief Description:  Requiring physical examinations prior to participation in interscholastic athletic activities.


Sponsors:  Representatives McDermott, Armstrong, Ruderman, Rockefeller, Campbell, Conway, Cody, Pearson, Esser and Kenney.


Hearing Date:  2/4/02


Staff:  Ilene Miller (786‑7310).




Each school district board of directors is given the authority to control, supervise and regulate the conduct of interschool athletic activities.  The board of directors is also given the authority to delegate the control, supervision and regulation of these activities to the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) or any other voluntary nonprofit entity. The WIAA is a voluntary, nonprofit association and it is comprised of member schools from both the middle school and high school levels.  All member schools have agreed to abide by the WIAA's policies.  The WIAA has established policies that require students wishing to participate in school athletics to have a physical examination prior to the first practice.


Summary of Bill:


Students wishing to participate in school athletics at both the middle school and high school levels must undergo a thorough physical examination prior to the first practice and must be approved for athletic competition.   The examination must be performed by a licensed physician, osteopathic physician, physician's assistant, naturopathic physician, or other health care professional acting within the scope of his or her license.  The requirements for what constitutes acting within the scope of a license may be created by rule by the WIAA or other voluntary nonprofit entity to whom the school district board has delegated authority.   A student wishing to participate in athletics at the high school level for the first time must have a new physical examination regardless of when his or her last physical examination occurred. The WIAA or other voluntary nonprofit entity, to whom the school has delegated authority, may also create rules pertaining to what must be included in this physical examination.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.