Washington State

House of Representatives




Transportation Committee



HB 2983


Brief Description:  Maximizing motorist information sign revenues.


Sponsors:  Representatives Armstrong, Anderson, Mitchell, Morell and Mielke.


Brief Summary of Bill

$Authorizes the Department of Transportation to auction off the installation and maintenance of motorist information signs to a private contractor.



Hearing Date:  2/27/02


Staff:  Paul Neal (786‑7315).




The DOT is authorized to erect and maintain motorist information signs within the right of way of the highway system to provide the traveling public with information regarding gas, food, lodging and tourist‑oriented businesses available at or near an interchange.  The DOT is also authorized to erect and maintain motorist information signs on non-interstate highways for businesses accessible by highways intersecting the non-interstate highway.


The DOT must charge reasonable fees to defray the cost of installation and maintenance of motorist information signs.


Summary of Bill:


The DOT may contract with a private contractor to erect and maintain motorist information signs.  The contractor is solely responsible for marketing, administration, financial management, installation and maintenance costs.  Any contract between the DOT and the contractor must require the contractor to install and maintain authorized community historical signs at no cost to the DOT.  The DOT holds a public auction to let a 10‑year contract to a contractor to provide the signs.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.