Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research |
Local Government & Housing Committee |
SB 5077
Brief Description: Modifying the provisional employment of sheriff's employees.
Sponsors: By Senators Haugen and Rasmussen.
Brief Summary of Bill
$Authorizes the extension of a temporary civil service position beyond the four-month period if the civil service commission continues to advertise and test for the position.
$Authorizes the appointing authority after one year to appoint a person off the list, if there are less than three persons on the eligible list for the class.
Hearing Date:
Staff: Scott MacColl (786‑7106).
Civil service commissions for county deputy sheriffs and other employees of the county sheriffs= office are comprised of three members appointed by the county legislative authority. The commission creates rules and regulations for examinations, gives practical and competitive tests, holds and determines appeals, and maintains the eligibility list. When a vacancy occurs, the commission supplies the names of the three highest persons on the eligibility list for consideration to the appointing authority.
If there is no list available, the commission can authorize a temporary list for that job class. A temporary appointment may be no longer than four months, and no person can receive more than one appointment per year.
Summary of Bill:
Authorizes the county civil service commission for deputy sheriffs and other employees of the office to extend temporary appointments beyond four months if the commission certifies that it continues to use due diligence in advertising and testing for the position.
Authorizes the appointing authority to fill the position with any person on the eligibility list if after one year if there are less than three people on the eligibility list.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.