Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Agriculture & Ecology Committee



SB 5093


Brief Description:  Modifying provisions concerning the unlawful dumping of solid waste.


Sponsors:  By Senators T. Sheldon, Oke and Rasmussen.


Brief Summary of Bill


$Specifies that it is a civil infraction to litter in excess of one cubic foot in an incorporated portion of a county.



Hearing Date:  3/8/01


Staff:  Jason Callahan (786‑7117).




Current law has inconsistent language dealing with littering penalties.  The Washington Reduction, Recycling, and Model Litter Control Act specifies that littering in the incorporated portion of the county is a class 1 civil infraction, while littering in the unincorporated county is a misdemeanor.  However, the solid waste management provisions found in RCW Chapter 70.95 specify that it is both a civil infraction and a misdemeanor to litter over one cubic foot in the unincorporated portion of the county.  No provisions are made for littering in the incorporated portion of a county.


A class 1 civil infraction is punishable by a $250 fine.  In addition to the civil infraction, a person littering in an incorporated portion of a county may face a $25 litter cleanup fee for every cubic foot of litter deposited and a to pick up the trash littered may be entered.  A misdemeanor litterer must pay a court order restitution payment equal to twice the actual cost of cleanup.  This restitution payment can not be less than $50 for those littering less than one cubic yard or less than $100 for those littering over one cubic yard.  One-half of this restitution payment is distributed to the law enforcement agency investigating the incident, and one-half is distributed to the affected landowner.  First-time offenders in an unincorporated area may have restitution payments waived if they agree to clean up the litter.


Summary of Bill: 


It is a civil infraction to litter in excess of one cubic foot in an incorporated portion of a county.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.