Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Local Government & Housing Committee



ESSB 5238


Brief Description:  Modifying the board of commissioners of a water‑sewer district.


Sponsors:  By Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Patterson, Johnson, McCaslin, Haugen and Fairley).


Brief Summary of Engrossed Substitute Bill


$Authorizes water-sewer districts with over 25,000 customers to increase the board up to seven members.  (Includes a petition process to call for a vote of the customers). 


$Creates a process to decrease the board to either five or three members.


$Repeals the statute authorizing the formation of associations of water‑sewer commissioners



Hearing Date: 


Staff:  Scott MacColl (786‑7106).




Water‑sewer districts are governed by three‑member boards of commissioners.  A three‑member commission may put the question to an election to increase to five commissioners by either passing a resolution or receiving a signed petition of ten percent of the registered voters in the district.


However the commissioners of a water‑sewer district with over 10,000 customers may determine by resolution to increase its size to five members.  This decision is subject to a vote in a special election if a signed petition of ten percent of the registered voters in the district is submitted within ninety days of adoption. 


Water-sewer commissioners are authorized to form an association of commissioners of two or more districts to improve the operation and organization of the districts. 


Summary of Bill: 


In water‑sewer districts of 25,000 customers or more, a three‑member or five‑member board of commissioners may by resolution choose to increase the number of commissioners from five to seven without an election.  This decision is subject to a vote in a special election if a signed petition of ten percent of the registered voters in the district that voted in the last municipal election is submitted within ninety days of adoption.


A seven member or five member board may decrease a board from seven to five members, or from five to three members by resolution of the board, or through an election caused by a petition signed by 10 percent of the registered voters in the district. 


Authority to create associations of water‑sewer district commissioners is repealed. 


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.