Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Agriculture & Ecology Committee



SSB 5919


Brief Description:  Providing for the assessment of potential site locations for water storage projects.


Sponsors:  By Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Water (originally sponsored by Senators Morton, Fraser, Honeyford and Rasmussen).


Brief Summary of Substitute Bill


$Allows a watershed planning unit's assessment of water supply and use to include the identification of potential sites for water storage projects.



Hearing Date:  3/23/01


Staff:  Kenneth Hirst (786‑7105).




Chapter 90.82 RCW establishes procedures and policies for initiating watershed planning at the local level.  If certain local governments choose to initiate the planning for one or more watersheds they appoint a planning unit to do the planning.  The watersheds are referred to as water resource inventory areas (WRIA=s).  (RCW 90.82.060.)


Under these laws, the planning unit must address water quantity issues in the WRIA=s by conducting an assessment of water supply and use in the watershed and developing strategies for future use.  (RCW 90.82.070.)  The assessment must include strategies for increasing water supplies in the area in sufficient quantities to satisfy minimum instream flows for fish, to provide water for future out-of-stream uses for water and to ensure that adequate water supplies are available for agriculture, energy production, and population and economic growth under the requirements of the state's Growth Management Act.  These strategies may include elements for water storage.  (RCW 90.82.070(2).)


Summary of Bill: 


The assessment of water supply and use conducted by a watershed planning unit may include the identification of potential sites for water storage projects.  The sites may be for either large or small projects and may cover the full range of possible alternatives including off-channel storage, underground storage, the enlargement or enhancement of existing storage, and on-channel storage.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.