Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Juvenile Justice Committee



SB 5972


Brief Description:  Releasing juvenile offenders.


Sponsors:  By Senator Hargrove; by request of Department of Social and Health Services.


Brief Summary of Bill


$Requires juvenile offenders sentenced under a finding of manifest injustice to comply with the parole requirements applicable to other offenders.



Hearing Date:  3/27/01


Staff:  Jean Ann Quinn (786‑7310).




The Secretary of the Department of Social and Health Services (Secretary) sets a release date for each juvenile committed to its custody, except in the case of a juvenile committed by a court pursuant to a finding of ?manifest injustice.@   ?Manifest injustice@ means that the standard range disposition would either impose an excessive penalty or impose a serious and clear danger to society in light of the purposes of the Juvenile Justice Act.  If the court determines that a standard range disposition would effectuate a manifest injustice, the court may impose a disposition outside the standard range.


The release date must be within the prescribed range for the offense.  Following the release of any juvenile for whom a release date has been established, the Secretary may require the juvenile to comply with a program of parole for up to 18 months.  Offenders sentenced for certain sex offenses are required to complete a 24-36 month parole program.


Summary of Bill: 


The Secretary is required to set a release date for offenders sentenced to a commitment range under a finding of manifest injustice, and such offenders are subject to the parole requirements applicable to other offenders.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Effective Date:  The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.