Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research |
Judiciary Committee |
SB 6401
Title: An act relating to standardizing references to county clerks.
Brief Description: Standardizing references to county clerks.
Sponsors: Senators Kline, Costa, Long, Fairley, Thibaudeau and Kohl‑Welles.
Brief Summary of Bill |
$Standardizes and clarifies references to county clerks.
Hearing Date: 2/22/02
Staff: Ryan Jensen (786‑5793); Trudes Hutcheson (786‑7384).
Clerks of superior courts are required to keep various records at the expense of the county. These include, for example, a record for entering all verdicts, orders, judgements and decisions. The terms used in the Revised Code of Washington to describe the records kept by county clerks are not uniform. In some instances, reference is made to county clerks being required to keep a "journal" or a "book." In other code sections, county clerks must keep a "record."
The state's Residential Landlord‑Tenant Act requires owners of federally‑assisted housing to give 12‑month advance notice prior to the expiration of a rental assistance contract, or prepayment of an obligation that would allow early termination of specific low‑income occupancy requirements. Written notice must be served on each tenant household residing in the housing and on the clerk of the city, or county if in an unincorporated area.
Summary of Bill:
References in current law to the county clerk entering information into a "journal" or into a "book" are changed to require the county clerk to enter information into a "record."
All owners of federally‑assisted housing must serve notice of the anticipated expiration of the rental assistance contract or prepayment of a mortgage or loan on each tenant household residing in the housing and on the clerk of the city, or "clerk of the county legislative authority" if in an unincorporated area.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.