ESJM 8016




As Passed House ‑ Amended:

April 9, 2001


Brief Description:  Emphasizing free and fair trade of nonanadromous aquaculture products between the United States and Canada.


Sponsors:  By Senators Shin, Rasmussen and Sheahan.


Brief History: 

Committee Activity: 

Trade & Economic Development:  3/27/01, 3/29/01 [DPA].

Floor Activity:

Passed House ‑ Amended: 4/9/01, 95-0.


  Brief Summary of Engrossed Bill

(As Amended by House)


$Requests that the President and Congress emphasize the importance of free and fair trade of upland aquaculture industry and products in its relations with the Canadian government.





Majority Report:  Do pass as amended. Signed by 10 members: Representatives Van Luven, Republican Co‑Chair; Veloria, Democratic Co‑Chair; Dunn, Republican Vice Chair; Eickmeyer, Democratic 1st Vice Chair; Fromhold, Democratic 2nd Vice Chair; Ahern, Jackley, Mulliken, O'Brien and Woods.


Staff:  Kenny Pittman (786‑7392).




Washington's aquaculture industry produces high-quality, pathogen-free, nonanadromous aquacultural products for sale throughout the world.  However, it has experienced difficulty exporting some of its products to Canada.  Currently, the Canadian government requires that Atlantic salmon eggs being imported to British Columbia must be quarantined.  There has been concern expressed that the Canadian government's import restrictions act as a barrier to the sale of Washington's aquacultural products.


Washington's aquaculture industry employs hundreds of people and generates over $40 million in products.  Canadian customers have expressed the desire to purchase high-quality aquacultural products from Washington state producers.



Summary of  Amended Bill:


The Senate and House of Representatives of the state of Washington petition the President and Congress of the United States to emphasize the importance of the free and fair trade of aquaculture products in its relations with the Canadian government.



Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Testimony For:  Washington's finfish aquaculture industry is being hampered by trade restrictions imposed by several countries.  These trade restrictions have limited our ability to sell live salmon eggs in Canada and Chile.  We need help at the federal level to address these issues.  This memorial to the President and Congress is the first step in addressing the problem.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  (In support) Senator Shin, sponsor; and Pete Granger, Washington Fish Growers.