SB 5127
C 151 L 01
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Determining the number of unclassified personnel in the sheriff's office.
Sponsors: Senators Prentice, Patterson, McAuliffe and McDonald.
Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Financial Institutions
House Committee on Commerce & Labor
Background: Currently, county sheriff's departments employing more than 100 personnel are allowed up to six unclassified (exempt) staff positions. Departments in a county with at least 500,000 residents and operating under a home rule charter (King, Pierce and Snohomish counties) may employ up to 12 unclassified administrative staff regardless of personnel size.
Summary: The number of unclassified staff allowed per county sheriff's department is increased and new unclassified personnel staffing levels are designated for departments with more than 100 personnel. The maximum number of unclassified staff in departments with at least 251 but not more than 500 employees is eight. The maximum number of unclassified staff in departments with over 500 employees is ten.
The governing legislative authority for any county with at least 500,000 residents operating under a home rule charter may designate up to 20 unclassified administrative positions. This is in addition to the number set forth using the personnel formula.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 92 0
Effective: July 22, 2001