SSB 5205


C 152 L 01

Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description:  Requiring self‑insurers and the department to provide information for independent medical examinations.


Sponsors:  Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Financial Institutions (originally sponsored by Senators Prentice, Winsley, Fairley and T. Sheldon).


Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Financial Institutions

House Committee on Commerce & Labor


Background:  The Department of Labor and Industries or a self-insurer can require an injured worker who is seeking workers' compensation benefits to have a medical examination.  These examinations are sometimes referred to as Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs).  The department or a self-insurer typically requires an IME if additional medical evidence is needed to make a claim determination.  The department or self-insurer contracts with health providers who perform these IMEs, and assigns a health provider to examine an injured worker.


Self-insurers are currently required to provide a worker with a copy of his or her entire claim file upon request.  If a self-insurer fails to comply with this requirement, the self-insurer can be fined up to $500.


There is concern that some self-insurers do not provide a worker's entire claim file to health providers performing IMEs.


Summary:  Self-insurers and the department must provide all relevant medical records in a worker's claim file to health providers performing independent medical examinations.  If a self-insurer fails to comply with this requirement, the self-insurer can be fined up to $500.  Self-insurers are only required to submit this information if the department is also required to submit it.


Votes on Final Passage:



House     93 0


Effective:  July 22, 2001