SSB 5400
C 239 L 02
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Clarifying that the community economic revitalization board may make loans and grants to federally recognized Indian tribes.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Economic Development & Telecommunications (originally sponsored by Senators T. Sheldon, Franklin, Shin, Regala, Costa and Gardner; by request of Governor Locke).
Senate Committee on Economic Development & Telecommunications
House Committee on Trade & Economic Development
House Committee on Capital Budget
Background: The Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) program was created in 1982 to provide direct loans and grants to counties, cities, and ports for economic development-related infrastructure improvements. CERB funds may not be used to: (1) facilitate or promote a retail shopping development or expansion; (2) finance projects that would displace existing jobs in any other community in the state, except where jobs are being relocated from nondistressed urban areas to rural areas or rural natural resources impact areas; and (3) acquire real property, including buildings and other fixtures that are part of real property.
Summary: Federally-recognized Indian tribes are added to the list of eligible recipients of loans or grants from the Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) for the purpose of financing economic development-related infrastructure improvements that result in specific private development or expansion.
CERB funds may not be used to facilitate or promote gambling.
Votes on Final Passage:
Effective: June 13, 2002