SB 5440


C 155 L 01

Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description:  Raising the number of the governor's appointees to the fish and wildlife commission from two to three.


Sponsors:  Senators Jacobsen and Oke; by request of Department of Fish and Wildlife.


Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Parks & Shorelines

House Committee on Natural Resources


Background:  In 1994, the Departments of Fisheries and Wildlife were merged to create the present day Department of Fish and Wildlife.  A nine-member governing commission was established.  It replaced the six-member commission that had governed the Wildlife Department.  However, the statutory appointment scheme was unchanged.


Currently, the law allows the Governor to appoint two members to the commission, every odd-numbered year, for six-year terms.  Under this scheme, some positions would remain unfilled.  To fill nine positions for six-year terms the Governor needs to appoint three members to the commission every odd-numbered year.


Summary:  The Governor must appoint three members to the Fish and Wildlife Commission in January of each odd-numbered year.


Votes on Final Passage:



House     96 0


Effective:  July 22, 2001