SSB 5572
C 107 L 01
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Authorizing Crime Stoppers signs in view of specified highway systems.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Snyder, Winsley and Oke).
Senate Committee on Transportation
House Committee on Transportation
Background: Crime Stoppers is a non-governmental organization dedicated to helping public agencies apprehend criminals by use of a phone number which people may use to call and report knowledge of crimes. Members of local communities, in partnership with the media and law enforcement, work to provide crime-solving assistance to law enforcement.
Summary: Signs with the Crime Stoppers name, logo and telephone number are added to the types of signs that can be displayed beside the road under the Scenic Vistas Act, RCW 47.42.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 97 0
Effective: July 22, 2001