SSB 5919
C 19 L 01 E2
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Providing for the assessment of potential site locations for water storage projects.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Water (originally sponsored by Senators Morton, Fraser, Honeyford and Rasmussen).
Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Water
House Committee on Agriculture & Ecology
Background: Last year the Legislature created a task force to examine the role of increased water storage in providing water supplies to meet the needs of fish, population growth, and economic development, and to enhance the protection of people's lives and their property and the protection of aquatic habitat through flood control facilities.
Watershed planning groups are required to address water quantity in the management area by undertaking an assessment of water supply and use, in the management area, and develop strategies for future use. The task force recommended the state should help the local watershed planning groups in assessing potential site locations for water storage projects.
Summary: The watershed planning groups may identify potential storage site locations for water storage projects. The potential site locations may be for either large or small projects and cover the full range of possible alternatives. The possible alternatives include off-channel storage, underground storage, the enlargement or enhancement of existing storage, and on-channel storage.
Votes on Final Passage:
Second Special Session
House 83 0
Effective: September 20, 2001