SSB 5925


C 69 L 01

Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description:  Reusing waste water derived from food processing.


Sponsors:  Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Water (originally sponsored by Senators Jacobsen, Honeyford, Fraser, Rasmussen and Morton).


Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Water

House Committee on Agriculture & Ecology


Background:  Existing law establishes standards, procedures, and guidelines for use of reclaimed water that is derived from sewage from a wastewater treatment system.


Summary:  "Agricultural industrial process water" is treated food product processing water and can be used for irrigation and other agriculture-related uses, including construction and maintenance.  The water is used under a wastewater discharge permit.  If there is significant health risk associated with the use, the Department of Health is consulted.  The generator retains the exclusive right to the water and is not subject to additional water right permitting requirements.  The use shall not impair existing water rights within the generator's source of supply.  Water rights that substitute use of reclaimed water are not relinquished.


Votes on Final Passage:



House     97 0


Effective:  July 22, 2001