SB 6627
C 175 L 02
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Renaming, with regard to adult and juvenile offenders, "community service" as "community restitution."
Sponsors: Senators Costa, Long, Hargrove, Kline, Kohl‑Welles and Winsley.
Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections
House Committee on Criminal Justice & Corrections
Background: The term "community service" has long been associated with work performed as a result of a criminal conviction. There is a desire to remove that association for people who perform service for his or her community as volunteers or out of a sense of altruism.
Summary: The term "community service" is changed to "community restitution."
Votes on Final Passage:
Effective: July 1, 2002
Partial Veto Summary: Senate Bill 6627 changes references to "community service" in the criminal sentencing code to "community restitution." Substitute Senate Bill 6748 repeals penalties for people who have been issued a notice of infraction for abandoned vehicles. Section 34 of Senate Bill 6627 is not needed since it amends the language that is repealed in Substitute Senate Bill 6748.