ESJM 8014


As Passed Legislature


Brief Description:  Requesting improvement to employment and training services for disabled persons.


Sponsors:  Senators Prentice, Winsley, Costa, Deccio, Thibaudeau, B. Sheldon, Fairley, Franklin, Shin, Rasmussen, Regala, Kastama, Patterson, Hochstatter, Gardner, Haugen, Honeyford, Constantine, Jacobsen, McAuliffe, Oke and Kohl‑Welles.


Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Financial Institutions

House Committee on Commerce & Labor


Background:  Persons with disabilities have an unemployment rate of nearly 70 percent.  The disability community is the largest potential source of workers within Washington that can help meet the needs of state businesses looking for skilled workers.


Summary:  The executive officers of the Employment Security Department, the Department of Services for the Blind, the Developmental Disability Council, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation in the Department of Social and Health Services, the Governor's Committee on Disability Issues and Employment, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board are requested to work together to carry out a number of functions related to employment and training of people with disabilities.  The functions include identifying effective employment and training services, barriers to service delivery, and  measures to evaluate success.


The agency executives are also asked to provide training and technical assistance to local workforce boards to improve outreach and delivery of services to people with disabilities.  In addition, they are requested to both make recommendations on statutory or administrative changes needed to improve employment and training services for people with disabilities and to report on outcomes to the Legislature and the Governor.


Votes on Final Passage:



House940(House amended)

Senate410(Senate concurred)